Monday, October 03, 2005

Williamson County's new Recycling Center is now open!

The Recycling Center is located on two enclosed acres at
the entrance to the Williamson County Landfill on F.M.
1660 north of Hutto.

The center is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and
Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to noon. The facility is a drop-off
center that accepts used oil, scrap metal including washed
tin cans, cardboard, newspaper, aluminum, plastic and e-waste
including computers, monitors, keyboards and cables. Cell
phones will be accepted and donated to the Crisis Center.

There is no fee to use the facility. Please sort items before
dropping them off. Bundle newspapers or collect them in
brown paper grocery bags, not plastic bags.

"We are very excited to have this facility open for the
public to use," stated Williamson County Precinct 4
Commissioner Frankie Limmer. The Recycling Center was
built using an $80,000 grant from the Capital Area
Council of Governments(CAPCOG).