Climate Protection Manual
Yes, I know -- this isn't about litter or recycling. But it is about doing your part -- each and every one of us -- to protect our climate. Global warming is real. Mankind cannot evolve fast enough to adapt -- our climate is changing too rapidly, and we have to act now. Global warming is about recycling, and using sustainable energy. It's about actions of countries, and it's about individuals -- we each have to change the way we think. From the introduction:
Protecting the climate is the defining challenge of our time. Every era has its opportunity to improve the world. This is ours. How we deal with the very real threats to the stability of the climate will shape our future, the economy and the sort of a world we will leave to our grandchildren. It will determine whether many species, perhaps even our own, will live or die.
Read it, think about it, and pass it on. You can download the manual for free by clicking on the title of this post.