Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Hydrogen Economy. The Hydrogen Reality.

Economics and responsible business demand alternatives. Businesses dependent on fossil fuels are under tremendous competitive pressure to seek efficiencies where they can, and at the same time responsible business practices require sensitivity to the impact they have on the environment. Legislation is further reinforcing the urgent need for solutions to current emissions levels of commercial and private vehicles. Hydrogen has become a central theme in many developing technologies, and has gained worldwide attention as "the next big thing." The promise of cheap, clean power is undeniably attractive, and the hydrogen fuel cell has secured millions of dollars in funding for research around the world and has even become a political plank in the platforms of the leading industrial nations.

The reality is that the hydrogen fuel cell is a long way off, and it does not provide a solution for the 711 million vehicles on the road today. The hydrogen fuel cell requires storing hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas can be a highly dangerous substance if stored on board the vehicle. While there may eventually be a hydrogen fuel cell system vehicle that can match the reliability and performance of the internal combustion engine some time in the next decade, a hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicle still requires a completely different engine. This is not a viable solution for anyone with investments in a vehicle today.

CHEC's flagship product, the CHEC HFI hydrogen injection system, is a hydrogen solution for today's needs. The HFI enhances combustion by injecting hydrogen into the engine. The improved efficiency reduces emissions, reduces fuel consumption by at least 10%, and the superior combustion increases the engine's power while reducing wear.

It is a bolt-on aftermarket part that produces its own hydrogen during operation. Hydrogen is not stored on board. It works with any internal combustion engine, using all types of fuels (gasoline, diesel, natural gas, etc.), and in all climates.

The patented CHEC HFI hydrogen injection system traces it roots back to work done at the Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology in 1974 on the uses of hydrogen as a combustion enhancing agent for the internal combustion engine. The CHEC HFI has seen 50,000,000 miles of testing over the last four years, ensuring it is reliable, safe, and delivers where the rubber meets the road.